(4月-5月) 春のサンセットクルーズ/sunset cruise


The cruise which enjoys the setting sun at which it looks from Toyosu or Harumi is carried out.


月替わりで実施するイベント「船で巡る水辺スポットの紹介」/Introduce waterfront spots by boat


Since the high economic growth of Japan (later 1960s), Tokyo’s waterfront has become well known as a “dirty and smelly place” due to the living wastewater flowing into canals. However, during the last 50 years, problems with pollution have started to receive attention and various measures have started. Today, the environment of Tokyo bay, its surrounding rivers and canals is in progress. There are many species living and it is changing to a recreation area for people.
It has been 50 years since people have shunned the Tokyo Port area because of its condition. There are still many unknown attractive places to visit. By running the boat tours throughout the year, we aim to increase public interests.




  1. (3月-4月)さくらクルーズ/SAKURA CRUISE

    お花見スポットとして注目が高まっている隅田川・大横川・目黒川の川沿いを船から眺める「さくらクルーズ」毎年大人気のツアーです!We will continue to operate tours at Sumida River, Ohyoko River, and Meguro River, which are gaining attention as great Hanami spots. We will also exploit new arear in parallel.

  2. (10月-11月) 秋の夜長イルミネーションクルーズ/Illumination cruise

    秋の夜長に、橋のライトアップや夜景楽しむクルーズを10月から11月まで開催しております。The cruise which looks at lighting of Eitai Bridge or the night view of Okawabata in the long autumn nights settled temporarily also in hot summer.

  3. (4月-5月)春のイルミネーションクルーズ/illumination cruise

    過ごしやすい気候となる春に、のんびりとした時間を体験していただく「春のイルミネーションクルーズ」を4‐5月の土祝祭日に開催します!The cruise introduced night view / lighting of Eitai Bridge built over Sumida River.

  4. (4月) 花筏クルーズ/HANAIKADA CRUISE

    多くのお花見スポットでは、終盤になると水面に花びらが散り、川面全体に広がる現象が起こります。この現象を「花筏」と呼び、お花見シーズンのもうひとつのお楽しみとなっています。At many Hanami spots, cherry blossom petals fall and cover the water surface. It is called Hana Ikada (Floral raft).

  5. (6月-9月) 夕涼みクルーズ/Cooling cruise

    環境省が提唱するCO2削減のイベント「クールビズ・クールシェア」に賛同し、涼しいところをシェアする場所として、「水上」を活用し、CO2削減意識を楽しみながら高めるイベントを7月から9月までの金・土・日・祭日 1日2便実施します。We share a cool place to a participant and get him to raise power-saving consciousness.
